Helen McNeil

Twenty-five years as a psychologist has lent Helen McNeil's writing both insight and compassion. She writes about ordinary people dealing with the deep questions she struggles with herself: Where is home? What does family mean? Are my beliefs worth the pain? Who am I?
Helen lives in Earthsong Eco-neighbourhood (Auckland, New Zealand) alongside chickens, organic gardens and lots of compost. Her passions include sustainable living, participatory democracy and living in a community.
In 2013 Helen published A Place to Stand (a novel about immigration) and in 2016 Cloud Ink published A Striking Truth in which the clash between union and management bring personal issues to the fore.
Media & Reviews
"She has created a highly readable and very accessible study of a period of dramatic change in the economy and labour relations, the outcome of which continue to impact our lives."
From the Bert Roth Labour History Award press release
"In A Striking Truth, Helen McNeil's latest novel, the book's working class hero isn't a bloke - or even in work - but a young woman with a dazzling voice."
Morgan Godfery / Sunday Star Times
"This is a great book. I couldn't put it down and devoured it in a single session. The voices heard on these pages have an authenticity that is a joy to listen to. The story is about a special time in New Zealand's working class history that deserves to be remembered and celebrated. This book does that."
Mike Treen / National Director, Unite Union